

Utrecht JUG - Test Architectures & Hacking into Java web apps

We take a sneak peek into the Utrecht JAVA User Group (JUG) Meetup next week, February 24th. Topics will be: are End-to-End test architectures a Dead End road? And there will be some live hacking: Breaking into your Java web app. This will really give a feel for the importance of security.

Utrecht JUG - Test Architectures & Hacking into Java web apps

Integration testing Pub/Sub interactions in your application

As part of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Google provides Pub/Sub as its queuing mechanism. After creating a Pub/Sub topic in GCP, you can create publishers to send messages to a topic and subscribers to receive messages from a topic. In order to send or receive...

Integration testing Pub/Sub interactions in your application

Introducing Stanley: highway to (heaven) BigQuery

Yes, it’s confirmed! Bol. com is going to the Cloud! The contract with Google has been recently signed, which gives us about 1 year to migrate from Platfora (our BI visualization tool), before it stops having support. 1 year thus to migrate many datasets and dashboards to the Cloud.

Introducing Stanley: highway to (heaven) BigQuery

Small Web Apps

Our Small Web Apps or SWAPs, in short, are something like the SOA for Front-End. We aim for separate deployable parts of the Front-End we have available for our Plaza partners, suppliers and internal users. In the Front-End we also encountered that we had teams waiting for each other before they could bring functionality to Pro.

Small Web Apps