Front-end Community goes to London
A team of bol front-enders went to the annual React Advanced Conference and they've shared their experiences here.
Front-end Community goes to LondonA team of bol front-enders went to the annual React Advanced Conference and they've shared their experiences here.
Front-end Community goes to LondonRobin shares two things that caught his eyes in the world of Frontend
2 Things that caught my eyes in Frontend LandI recently had the opportunity to attend Frontmania, a front-end conference held in Utrecht. It was an incredible experience filled with insightful talks, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities with fellow front-end enthusiasts. In this blog post, I will share some highlights from the conference and the key takeaways that I gained from the event.
FrontMania 2023Introduction It happens a lot that listening to a podcast sparks new questions. So, after our episode on Front-End quality, we wanted to know more about Storybook. This coincided with some people reaching out to us to collaborate in the podcast.
The Storybook storyWe can imagine that at a regular company your colleagues might become very nervous when you worsen the frontend performance by more than a second on the onload, just before the peak season. In this story we'd like to...
Our ride to peak season frontend performance