Testing bol.com style
Everybody wants to stay ahead of the game. It is no different for the bol. com testing community.
Testing bol.com styleEverybody wants to stay ahead of the game. It is no different for the bol. com testing community.
Testing bol.com styleBol. com features a fully responsive online store that adjusts its look and feel to the type and capabilities of the device and browser you’re using. This enhances usability, speed and conversion.
For better device profiling, delete your DDR!Software maintenance can be hell. I'm sure that many developers have opened up an existing codebase, only to be greeted with a plethora of packages. You can usually see in excruciating detail the kinds of classes the software has.
How structure helps me to maintain softwareWhen you build a service at bol. com your responsibility doesn’t end once the build is green. You’re actually supposed to run it (and keep it running) in production, too.
My baby was leaky and now it’s not