

Software Testing at

Testing has been in an accelerated evolution over the last decade. Due to the fact that different practices — like Continuous Integration and Delivery, DevOps, and Agile — have shifted and refined at a rapid pace. In this blog, we would like to give a short insight on testing at bol.

Software Testing at

Quality through autonomous teams

In the heart of the Agile method are autonomous teams that take responsibility and make their own decisions. Transitioning to self-organizing teams may seem like a risk, a move intuitively perilous to quality. But Rini van Solingen explains how bol.

Quality through autonomous teams

Video: How does IT work?

Over 1200 people work at bol. com and our IT department consists of more than 350 engineers, clustered into 60 cross-functional teams. These teams are all grouped in fleets and spaces.

Video: How does IT work? goes to the university of Amsterdam!

For the last 4 years, Menno represents bol. com as a guest lecturer in one of the courses of the Software Engineering Master's program at University of Amsterdam, this year it's about Requirements Engineering. Have you ever wondered how bol. goes to the university of Amsterdam!