Blog Overview


Software Testing at

Testing has been in an accelerated evolution over the last decade. Due to the fact that different practices — like Continuous Integration and Delivery, DevOps, and Agile — have shifted and refined at a rapid pace. In this blog, we would like to give a short insight on testing at bol.

Software Testing at

Quality through autonomous teams

In the heart of the Agile method are autonomous teams that take responsibility and make their own decisions. Transitioning to self-organizing teams may seem like a risk, a move intuitively perilous to quality. But Rini van Solingen explains how bol.

Quality through autonomous teams

IT internship at

Boyd (left of Billy) was an intern at bol. com from September 2017 until January 2018. This blog is a conversation between him and his intern mentor, Maurice Zeijen (Software Architect @ bol.

IT internship at

Making Machines Understand You

In this post, I will explain how bol. com is going to interpret what the user says using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. Historically we have been doing that in multiple ways: by informing the customer on our website, in our app, in our email communication, using our chatbot Billie and in our call center.

Making Machines Understand You

Your leaky online payment process

According to figures from Ingenico, around 15% of site visitors in the Netherlands that begin the payment process do not complete their transaction. This can have many causes which will be examined later in this article. So why...

Your leaky online payment process