
156 Techlab with Michael Bolton

What is testing? What is the testing role? Is testing a demonstration that a product fulfills its declared functional requirements? If machinery can be programmed to check hundreds and thousands of functions in a second, do we need testers any... Techlab with Michael Bolton

Rapid Software Testing: A walk on the wild side

James Bach recently ran a Rapid Software Testing (RST) workshop at bol. com and I was fortunate enough to participate in this engaging and informative three-day event. Bach is regarded by many as one of the thought leaders who reshaped the testing industry within the modern software development landscape (alongside Michael Bolton).

Rapid Software Testing: A walk on the wild side

Making sense of the user agent string

Ever since I’ve started working for a WebAnalytics company in 2005 I’ve been working on problems related to making sense of web data. One of the most difficult elements in this type of analysis is making sense of the user...

Making sense of the user agent string

Our agile journey so far – Part 2: involving everyone

This is the second post about our growth story. In the first blog post we introduced our Man on the Moon program; how we plan to manage a fast growing company like ours. In this second part we'll explain how we have involved all stakeholders and participants in our journey to the moon.

Our agile journey so far – Part 2: involving everyone