Engineering Productivity and Backstage

Season 2021, Episode 90
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Engineering Productivity With the growth of our engineering community, the need for more focus on engineering productivity is clear. We invited two experts to discuss this topic with us. We actually got to this point when one of our listeners pointed out one of the products we are using for this and how awesome a topic that would be for our podcast. Backstage The product he was referring to, is Backstage.

What the episode covers

Backstage is a platform for developer portals that is used as an app store for tools for software engineers. This product was build inside Spotify and later on open-sourced by them.

We thought it was a good idea to get these tools in a unified package

Questions we touch upon

  • What does engineering productivity mean?
  • How is engineering productivity measured?
  • Why is engineering productivity important?
  • How can engineering productivity be improved?
  • What is Backstage open source?
  • Who uses backstage io?
  • Why Backstage io?
  • What is Spotify backstage?


  • Roy Jacobs – Software Engineer – Technical Platform. Already joined us when we explored Axle – the opinionated support for our scrum teams using Java
  • Onno Ceelen – Product Manager – Technical Platform

Show notes

Peter Brouwers

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Peter Paul van de Beek

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