A lot of tech people are leaders

Season 2021, Episode 83
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Writing an article is reflection, publishing it is getting feedback Learning from our colleagues. That is important to us. So, we were delighted when we found another great piece of this on LinkedIn, Elinore shared. to inspire others who are thinking of transitioning from tech into a leadership role or are just curious about my experiences and thoughts. The transition from tech into a leadership role is actually a very hot topic and not only within bol.com.

What the episode covers

We learn this from the job interviews when candidates ask us about career paths in bol.com. Also when we introduced the role of the tech lead in bol.com last year. And when we formalized the job profile for Engineering Manager. We used to call this Team Lead IT and with this formalization, we also had discussions about the background of the Engineering Manager should or shouldn’t be a former engineer?

In the article Elinor addresses 5 aspects she learned:

  1. Management Is actually a job.
  2. You can’t have the cake and eat it too.
  3. A leader doesn’t have to be a manager.
  4. What got you here won’t get you there.
  5. Your next step is not the rest of your life.

We will go over these items in this episode and along the way we touch on other great insights, will there be a next article? One of the insights we want to share with you here is that a lot of people in tech are leaders.


Peter Brouwers

All articles by me

Peter Paul van de Beek

All articles by me