Meetup: Practice Java, Testing and Clean Code

On Monday the 3rd of July we would like to welcome you to join our Java practice.

What to expect:


17:30 - 18:30 Walk-in18:00 Food & drinks18:30 Let's do some exercises!21:30 Wrapping up

Food-wise has organized a buffet for non-vegetarian and vegetarian, with enough drinks/beers for the whole evening :)


Our colleague, Patrick, has three type of exercises ready. As a group we will decide at the beginning of the evening which one we want to do. The exercises are:

  • Introduction into Testing, with JUnit 5 (JUnit 5 is the new major version of the programmer-friendly testing framework JUnit, for Java 8)
  • Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Clean Code - Naming and Functions

All exercises are a combination of theory, (short) videos and practice.

The sources will be shared during the session


  • Java JDK 8 must be installed, please make sure you have it installed beforehand! (The exercises won't work without it!)
  • Basic Java syntax and basic programming knowledge is required. If you can write if- and for-statements, assign variables and know what classes and methods are, you should be able to do these exercises​

Joost van Wollingen

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